WHAT IS Crypto Commonwealth

WHAT IS Crypto Commonwealth?. We made great progress in building and expanding our ecosystem thus far, and will continue to del
iver good performance in the Funds and the Publisher. 2017: preparations. We have developed and improved our quantitative investment philosophies in cryptos. QQ2 2018: publication and finance preparations. We set up the initial version of the Web site, printed our insights in crypto investing, assembled the team. Collected opinions and reached a consensus in the Commonwealth tokenomics and roadmap. Crypto Com Foundation launch. We register the Commonwealth Foundation Ltd. In Singapore as the issuing entity for COMM. Web development. Develop a scalable, user backtesting platform for both inner quantitative plan research and submission.
We've a dedicated developer team on it. Monwealth is an electronic money asset manager and writer dedicated to optimizing the advantages of its own communities. We've designed a wide range of scenarios for our token application ecosystem. It brings changes that are fundamental to thSocial media campaigns. We initiate social network campaigns and develop a communitye value generation processes of two businesses through impartial productioDevelop an e print hosting website. In addition a voting system to lock a data market and COMMs. These might extend into 2020 or beyond. Private sale. We've gathered and will consolidate a number of investment commitments for the private sale in asset management and the Commonwealth Foundation in publishing.
I like The cooperate with all interested contributors in crypto(CBND) strategy research alpha content mininig in knowledge distributed, and share all of our profit from asset allocation, article subscription and publish  with all author researcher portfolio managers, token holders and investors. The market neutral hedge fund Sphinx'. Sphinx is an alpha based market neutral fund based on either the US dollar or bitcoins, which features zero net exposure in all CBND The long time hold ar equals in base currency value no confidence within the crypto marketplace is required that this is from all Sphinx investors should you invest on a USD basis, since the finance seizes market inefficiencies and jobs to profit from a book with no a priori assumption on the character of the marketplace
Sphinx Fund performance summary return on the USD base since 2015. The venture fund Kratos'. Kratos is a venture capital fund which endeavors to put money into the main crypto marketplace. The fund plans to maintain a good number of crypto in their first phases, incubate and advise the jobs as appropriate, and develop with them upon ICOs. We've plans to initiate ICO for some of our independents plans, subsidiary funds or portfolio managers and might sponsors or collaborates with crypto market for project launch. Kratos investors are certain to enjoy the best investment quota and rate with high priority                                                                                                   ,  ,
Total supply
1 billion
Token Distribution
50%: token sales
26.6%: ecosystem development
17.5%: core team
2.5%: advisor
2.3% acquisition & partnership
1.1%: airdrop & bounty
Currency Received
Min's Contribution
100 USDT
Bonus Structure
First round:
March 1-6: 10%
March 6-11: 8%
March 11-16: 6%
March 16-21: 4%
March 21-26: 2%
March 26-31: 0
  BUY NOW COMM                                                   ***information***                                       *SITE: https://cryptosmartbeta.com
*WHITEPAPER: https://cryptosmartbeta.com/wp-content/uploads/docs/whitepaper_en.pdf
*ONE PAGER: https://cryptosmartbeta.com/wp-content/uploads/docs/OnePager.pdf
*PITCH DECK: https://cryptosmartbeta.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/pitch_deck.pdf
*TELEGRAM: https://t.me/Crypto_Commonwealth_Europe
* TWITTER: https://twitter.com/CryptoSmartBeta
* FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/CryptoCommonwealth/
*LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cryptocommonwealth
*INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/crypto_smart_beta
*YOUTUBE: https://youtube.com/channel/UCpsI9ikWg7HKobrj_1Zq38A
* MEDIUM: https://medium.com/@CryptoCommonwealth
*Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5230013.0                                 writer: janimani
te.me: @janirani